Many of us suffer from poor digestion. The tips below are just some that I have learned over the years and that have worked for me. It is always important to find the root cause behind your poor digestion and address it. However, they can be used at anytime, either while you’re seeking answers or alongside your protocol.

1.  Slow Down & Take Your Time. Eating too quickly can lead to eating too much and not chewing food properly. Try taking smaller bites or putting your fork down between bites.

2.  Limit Conversation. Talking while eating or even eating with your mouth open can cause you to swallow excess air leading to indigestion.

3. Eat food that is hardest to digest first. This would be protein and then carbs. Vegetables and fruits are the easiest to digest and so can be eaten last. If you eat meat, pork is the hardest to digest followed by beef.

4.  Limit fluid intake. Drinking too much while eating can dilute your digestive juices making it harder for food to digest properly.

5.  Give Thanks. When you sit down to a meal, before you take a bite, give thanks for the food. This doesn’t have to be a prayer or anything religious (unless you want it to be), just a simple act of gratitude.

6.  Manage Emotions & Stress. Most of us are aware that eating while stressed or anxious can lead to indigestion. Try taking 3 deep breaths before you eat to see if that helps you relax or maybe listen to soothing music.


These are just a few simple tips to improve your digestion. I hope that they work for you as they did for me.


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